sxy Namespace Reference




class  async_behavior
class  async_event_handler
class  behavior
class  choice
class  completion_event
class  complex_state
class  complex_state_impl
class  complex_state_visitor
class  composite_state
class  compound_transition
class  compound_transition_consumer
class  const_vertex_visitor
class  constraint
class  deep_history
class  entry_point
interface  event
 Interface of an event. An event has an ID, a name and a priority (for processing by the async state machine). More...
class  event_collector
struct  event_creation_request_time_comparer
class  event_impl
 Events that are processed by the state machine. An event can have an ID, a name and a priority (for processing by the async state machine). More...
interface  event_processing_callback
 Callback interface that is called by a state machine during event processing. See the different methods to find out which events can be monitored. More...
class  execution_step
class  execution_step_visitor
class  exit_point
class  final_state
class  fork
struct  has_get_event_id
class  history
class  history_impl
class  initial_pseudostate
class  interruptible
class  join
class  junction
class  pseudostate
class  pseudostate_impl
class  pseudostate_visitor
class  region
class  region_pseudostate
class  region_pseudostate_impl
class  shallow_history
class  shallow_history_impl
class  simple_state
class  simple_state_base
class  specialized_event
 Class that inherits event_impl and provides a fixed event ID and priority as well as create methods for creating instances of the event. More...
class  state
class  state_impl
class  state_machine_base
class  state_machine_element
class  state_machine_element_impl
interface  state_machine_introspection
 The interface for state machine introspection. It is inherited by the state machine class state_machine. More...
class  state_pseudostate
class  state_pseudostate_impl
class  state_visitor
class  states_to_enter_visitor_impl
class  SX_FINAL
class  sync_state_machine
 Class for the "single-threaded version" of the state machine. It provides the methods to start the state machine, to fire events, to check the state machine for possible defects and to get the root state reference. More...
class  terminate_pseudostate
class  transition
class  transition_step
class  try_to_build_compound_transition_visitor
class  vertex
class  vertex_impl
class  vertex_visitor


typedef sxe::SX_UNIQUE_PTR< async_behaviorasync_behavior_uptr
typedef sxe::SX_UNIQUE_PTR< behavior_exception > behavior_exception_uptr
typedef std::vector< behavior_exception_uptrbehavior_exceptions
typedef sxe::SX_UNIQUE_PTR< behaviorbehavior_uptr
typedef sxe::function< void(const event &, event_collector &) > behavior_function
typedef sxe::SX_UNIQUE_PTR< choicechoice_uptr
typedef std::vector< choice_uptrchoices
typedef std::vector< const choice *> raw_const_choices
typedef sxe::SX_UNIQUE_PTR< composite_statecomposite_state_uptr
typedef std::vector< composite_state *> raw_composite_states
typedef sxe::SX_UNIQUE_PTR< constraintconstraint_uptr
typedef sxe::function< bool(const event &, event_collector &) > constraint_function
typedef sxe::SX_UNIQUE_PTR< deep_historydeep_history_uptr
typedef sxe::SX_UNIQUE_PTR< entry_pointentry_point_uptr
typedef std::vector< entry_point_uptrentry_points
typedef std::vector< const entry_point *> raw_const_entry_points
typedef sxe::shared_ptr< eventevent_sptr
typedef std::vector< event_sptrevents
typedef sxe::uint32_t handle_type
 The type alias for yasmine's event handle. More...
typedef sxe::uint32_t event_id
 The type alias for yasmine's event IDs. More...
typedef std::vector< event_idevent_ids
 The type alias for yasmine's event ID list. More...
typedef sxe::int8_t event_priority
 The type alias for yasmine's event priorities. More...
typedef std::vector< event_priorityevent_prioritys
 The type alias for yasmine's event priority list. More...
typedef sxe::SX_UNIQUE_PTR< exit_pointexit_point_uptr
typedef std::vector< exit_point_uptrexit_points
typedef std::vector< const exit_point *> raw_const_exit_points
typedef sxe::SX_UNIQUE_PTR< forkfork_uptr
typedef std::vector< fork_uptrforks
typedef std::vector< const fork *> raw_const_forks
typedef sxe::SX_UNIQUE_PTR< initial_pseudostateinitial_pseudostate_uptr
typedef sxe::SX_UNIQUE_PTR< joinjoin_uptr
typedef std::vector< join_uptrjoins
typedef std::vector< const join *> raw_const_joins
typedef sxe::SX_UNIQUE_PTR< junctionjunction_uptr
typedef std::vector< junction_uptrjunctions
typedef std::vector< const junction *> raw_const_junctions
typedef sxe::SX_UNIQUE_PTR< pseudostatepseudostate_uptr
typedef std::vector< pseudostate_uptrpseudostates
typedef std::vector< const pseudostate *> raw_const_pseudostates
typedef sxe::SX_UNIQUE_PTR< regionregion_uptr
typedef std::vector< region_uptrregions
typedef std::vector< region *> raw_regions
typedef std::set< const region *> raw_const_region_set
typedef sxe::SX_UNIQUE_PTR< shallow_historyshallow_history_uptr
typedef sxe::SX_UNIQUE_PTR< statestate_uptr
typedef std::vector< const state *> raw_const_states
typedef std::vector< state_uptrstates
typedef std::set< const state *> raw_const_state_set
typedef std::set< const state *, states_nesting_comparer > raw_const_states_by_nesting_level
typedef std::set< state *, states_nesting_comparer > raw_states_by_nesting_level
typedef std::set< state *, states_nesting_comparer_ascending > raw_states_by_nesting_level_ascending
typedef std::vector< state_machine_defect > state_machine_defects
typedef sync_state_machine state_machine
typedef sxe::SX_UNIQUE_PTR< terminate_pseudostateterminate_pseudostate_uptr
typedef std::vector< terminate_pseudostate_uptrterminate_pseudostates
typedef std::vector< const terminate_pseudostate *> raw_const_terminate_pseudostates
typedef std::set< event_creation_request, event_creation_request_time_comparerevent_queue
typedef sxe::SX_UNIQUE_PTR< transitiontransition_uptr
typedef std::vector< const transition *> raw_const_transitions
typedef std::vector< transition *> raw_transitions
typedef std::vector< transition_uptrtransitions
typedef sxe::SX_UNIQUE_PTR< vertexvertex_uptr
typedef std::vector< const vertex *> raw_const_vertices
typedef std::vector< vertex_uptrvertices
typedef sxe::SX_UNIQUE_PTR< compound_transitioncompound_transition_uptr
typedef std::vector< compound_transition *> raw_compound_transitions
typedef std::vector< compound_transition_uptrcompound_transitions
typedef sxe::SX_UNIQUE_PTR< execution_stepexecution_step_uptr
typedef std::vector< execution_step_uptrexecution_steps
typedef sxe::SX_UNIQUE_PTR< transition_steptransition_step_uptr
typedef std::vector< transition_step_uptrtransition_steps


enum  state_machine_status {
  state_machine_status::NEW, state_machine_status::STARTED, state_machine_status::STOP_REQUESTED, state_machine_status::TERMINATED,
enum  transition_kind { transition_kind::EXTERNAL = 0, transition_kind::INTERNAL = 1, transition_kind::LOCAL = 2 }


template<typename T >
sxe::function< void()> adapt (T *_object, void(T::*_method)())
template<typename T , typename _event_type >
sxe::function< void(const _event_type &)> adapt (T *_object, void(T::*_method)(const _event_type &))
template<typename T >
sxe::function< void(sxy::event_collector &)> adapt (T *_object, void(T::*_method)(sxy::event_collector &))
template<typename T , typename _event_type >
sxe::function< void(const _event_type &, sxy::event_collector &)> adapt (T *_object, void(T::*_method)(const _event_type &, sxy::event_collector &))
sxe::function< void()> adapt_function (void(*_function)())
template<typename _event_type >
sxe::function< void(const _event_type &)> adapt_function (void(*_function)(const _event_type &))
template<typename _event_type >
sxe::function< void(const _event_type &, sxy::event_collector &)> adapt_function (void(*_function)(const _event_type &, sxy::event_collector &))
template<typename T >
sxe::function< bool()> adapt (T *_object, bool(T::*_method)())
template<typename T , typename _event_type >
sxe::function< bool(const _event_type &)> adapt (T *_object, bool(T::*_method)(const _event_type &))
template<typename T >
sxe::function< bool(sxy::event_collector &)> adapt (T *_object, bool(T::*_method)(sxy::event_collector &))
template<typename T , typename _event_type >
sxe::function< bool(const _event_type &, sxy::event_collector &)> adapt (T *_object, bool(T::*_method)(const _event_type &, sxy::event_collector &))
sxe::function< bool()> adapt_function (bool(*_function)())
template<typename _event_type >
sxe::function< bool(const _event_type &)> adapt_function (bool(*_function)(const _event_type &))
template<typename _event_type >
sxe::function< bool(const _event_type &, sxy::event_collector &)> adapt_function (bool(*_function)(const _event_type &, sxy::event_collector &))
void behavior_caller (const sxy::event &_event, sxy::event_collector &_event_collector, const sxe::function< void()> &_function)
void behavior_caller (const sxy::event &_event, sxy::event_collector &_event_collector, const sxe::function< void(event_collector &)> &_function)
template<typename _event_type >
void behavior_caller (const sxy::event &_event, sxy::event_collector &_event_collector, const sxe::function< void(const _event_type &)> &_function)
template<typename _event_type >
void behavior_caller (const sxy::event &_event, sxy::event_collector &_event_collector, const sxe::function< void(const _event_type &, sxy::event_collector &_event_collector)> &_function)
template<typename _event_type1 , typename _event_type2 >
void behavior_caller (const sxy::event &_event, sxy::event_collector &_event_collector, const sxe::function< void(const _event_type1 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function1, const sxe::function< void(const _event_type2 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function2)
template<typename _event_type1 , typename _event_type2 , typename _event_type3 >
void behavior_caller (const sxy::event &_event, sxy::event_collector &_event_collector, const sxe::function< void(const _event_type1 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function1, const sxe::function< void(const _event_type2 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function2, const sxe::function< void(const _event_type3 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function3)
template<typename _event_type1 , typename _event_type2 , typename _event_type3 , typename _event_type4 >
void behavior_caller (const sxy::event &_event, sxy::event_collector &_event_collector, const sxe::function< void(const _event_type1 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function1, const sxe::function< void(const _event_type2 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function2, const sxe::function< void(const _event_type3 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function3, const sxe::function< void(const _event_type4 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function4)
template<typename _event_type1 , typename _event_type2 , typename _event_type3 , typename _event_type4 , typename _event_type5 >
void behavior_caller (const sxy::event &_event, sxy::event_collector &_event_collector, const sxe::function< void(const _event_type1 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function1, const sxe::function< void(const _event_type2 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function2, const sxe::function< void(const _event_type3 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function3, const sxe::function< void(const _event_type4 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function4, const sxe::function< void(const _event_type5 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function5)
template<typename _event_type1 , typename _event_type2 , typename _event_type3 , typename _event_type4 , typename _event_type5 , typename _event_type6 >
void behavior_caller (const sxy::event &_event, sxy::event_collector &_event_collector, const sxe::function< void(const _event_type1 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function1, const sxe::function< void(const _event_type2 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function2, const sxe::function< void(const _event_type3 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function3, const sxe::function< void(const _event_type4 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function4, const sxe::function< void(const _event_type5 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function5, const sxe::function< void(const _event_type6 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function6)
template<typename _event_type1 , typename _event_type2 , typename _event_type3 , typename _event_type4 , typename _event_type5 , typename _event_type6 , typename _event_type7 >
void behavior_caller (const sxy::event &_event, sxy::event_collector &_event_collector, const sxe::function< void(const _event_type1 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function1, const sxe::function< void(const _event_type2 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function2, const sxe::function< void(const _event_type3 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function3, const sxe::function< void(const _event_type4 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function4, const sxe::function< void(const _event_type5 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function5, const sxe::function< void(const _event_type6 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function6, const sxe::function< void(const _event_type7 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function7)
template<typename _event_type1 , typename _event_type2 , typename _event_type3 , typename _event_type4 , typename _event_type5 , typename _event_type6 , typename _event_type7 , typename _event_type8 >
void behavior_caller (const sxy::event &_event, sxy::event_collector &_event_collector, const sxe::function< void(const _event_type1 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function1, const sxe::function< void(const _event_type2 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function2, const sxe::function< void(const _event_type3 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function3, const sxe::function< void(const _event_type4 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function4, const sxe::function< void(const _event_type5 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function5, const sxe::function< void(const _event_type6 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function6, const sxe::function< void(const _event_type7 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function7, const sxe::function< void(const _event_type8 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function8)
template<typename _event_type1 , typename _event_type2 , typename _event_type3 , typename _event_type4 , typename _event_type5 , typename _event_type6 , typename _event_type7 , typename _event_type8 , typename _event_type9 >
void behavior_caller (const sxy::event &_event, sxy::event_collector &_event_collector, const sxe::function< void(const _event_type1 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function1, const sxe::function< void(const _event_type2 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function2, const sxe::function< void(const _event_type3 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function3, const sxe::function< void(const _event_type4 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function4, const sxe::function< void(const _event_type5 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function5, const sxe::function< void(const _event_type6 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function6, const sxe::function< void(const _event_type7 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function7, const sxe::function< void(const _event_type8 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function8, const sxe::function< void(const _event_type9 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function9)
template<typename _event_type1 , typename _event_type2 , typename _event_type3 , typename _event_type4 , typename _event_type5 , typename _event_type6 , typename _event_type7 , typename _event_type8 , typename _event_type9 , typename _event_type10 >
void behavior_caller (const sxy::event &_event, sxy::event_collector &_event_collector, const sxe::function< void(const _event_type1 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function1, const sxe::function< void(const _event_type2 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function2, const sxe::function< void(const _event_type3 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function3, const sxe::function< void(const _event_type4 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function4, const sxe::function< void(const _event_type5 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function5, const sxe::function< void(const _event_type6 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function6, const sxe::function< void(const _event_type7 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function7, const sxe::function< void(const _event_type8 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function8, const sxe::function< void(const _event_type9 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function9, const sxe::function< void(const _event_type10 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function10)
template<typename ... Args>
sxy::behavior_function create_behavior_function (Args...args)
template<typename ... Args>
sxy::constraint_function create_guard_function (Args...args)
template<typename _event_type >
const _event_type & adjust_event_type (const event &_event)
bool guard_caller (const sxy::event &_event, sxy::event_collector &_event_collector, const sxe::function< bool()> &_function)
bool guard_caller (const sxy::event &_event, sxy::event_collector &_event_collector, const sxe::function< bool(sxy::event_collector &_event_collector)> &_function)
template<typename _event_type >
bool guard_caller (const sxy::event &_event, sxy::event_collector &_event_collector, const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type &)> &_function)
template<typename _event_type >
bool guard_caller (const sxy::event &_event, sxy::event_collector &_event_collector, const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type &, sxy::event_collector &_event_collector)> &_function)
template<typename _event_type1 , typename _event_type2 >
bool guard_caller (const sxy::event &_event, sxy::event_collector &_event_collector, const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type1 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function1, const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type2 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function2)
template<typename _event_type1 , typename _event_type2 , typename _event_type3 >
bool guard_caller (const sxy::event &_event, sxy::event_collector &_event_collector, const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type1 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function1, const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type2 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function2, const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type3 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function3)
template<typename _event_type1 , typename _event_type2 , typename _event_type3 , typename _event_type4 >
bool guard_caller (const sxy::event &_event, sxy::event_collector &_event_collector, const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type1 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function1, const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type2 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function2, const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type3 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function3, const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type4 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function4)
template<typename _event_type1 , typename _event_type2 , typename _event_type3 , typename _event_type4 , typename _event_type5 >
bool guard_caller (const sxy::event &_event, sxy::event_collector &_event_collector, const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type1 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function1, const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type2 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function2, const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type3 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function3, const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type4 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function4, const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type5 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function5)
template<typename _event_type1 , typename _event_type2 , typename _event_type3 , typename _event_type4 , typename _event_type5 , typename _event_type6 >
bool guard_caller (const sxy::event &_event, sxy::event_collector &_event_collector, const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type1 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function1, const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type2 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function2, const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type3 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function3, const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type4 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function4, const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type5 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function5, const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type6 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function6)
template<typename _event_type1 , typename _event_type2 , typename _event_type3 , typename _event_type4 , typename _event_type5 , typename _event_type6 , typename _event_type7 >
bool guard_caller (const sxy::event &_event, sxy::event_collector &_event_collector, const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type1 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function1, const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type2 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function2, const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type3 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function3, const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type4 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function4, const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type5 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function5, const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type6 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function6, const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type7 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function7)
template<typename _event_type1 , typename _event_type2 , typename _event_type3 , typename _event_type4 , typename _event_type5 , typename _event_type6 , typename _event_type7 , typename _event_type8 >
bool guard_caller (const sxy::event &_event, sxy::event_collector &_event_collector, const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type1 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function1, const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type2 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function2, const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type3 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function3, const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type4 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function4, const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type5 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function5, const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type6 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function6, const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type7 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function7, const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type8 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function8)
template<typename _event_type1 , typename _event_type2 , typename _event_type3 , typename _event_type4 , typename _event_type5 , typename _event_type6 , typename _event_type7 , typename _event_type8 , typename _event_type9 >
bool guard_caller (const sxy::event &_event, sxy::event_collector &_event_collector, const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type1 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function1, const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type2 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function2, const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type3 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function3, const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type4 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function4, const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type5 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function5, const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type6 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function6, const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type7 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function7, const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type8 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function8, const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type9 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function9)
template<typename _event_type1 , typename _event_type2 , typename _event_type3 , typename _event_type4 , typename _event_type5 , typename _event_type6 , typename _event_type7 , typename _event_type8 , typename _event_type9 , typename _event_type10 >
bool guard_caller (const sxy::event &_event, sxy::event_collector &_event_collector, const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type1 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function1, const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type2 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function2, const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type3 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function3, const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type4 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function4, const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type5 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function5, const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type6 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function6, const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type7 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function7, const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type8 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function8, const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type9 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function9, const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type10 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &_function10)
void write_defects_to_log (const state_machine_defects &_defects)
std::string to_string (const transition_kind _kind)
bool try_to_build_compound_transition (transition &_enabled_transition, compound_transitions &_enabled_compound_transitions, const event &_event, event_collector &_event_collector)
compound_transition_uptr build_compound_transition (transition &_first_transition, const event &_event, event_collector &_event_collector)
void dummy_to_silence_linker_warning_in_adapter_cpp03 ()
sxe::function< void(sxy::event_collector &)> adapt_function (void(*_function)(sxy::event_collector &))
sxe::function< bool(sxy::event_collector &)> adapt_function (bool(*_function)(sxy::event_collector &))
void dummy_to_silence_linker_warning_in_create_behavior_function ()
void dummy_to_silence_linker_warning_in_create_guard_function ()


sxe::function< void(sxy::event_collector &)> adapt_function (void(*_function)(sxy::event_collector &))
constexpr event_id Y_COMPLETION_EVENT_ID = std::numeric_limits<sxy::event_id>::max()
const handle_type Y_INVALID_EVENT_CREATION_REQUEST_HANDLE = std::numeric_limits< handle_type >::max()
const handle_type Y_DEFAULT_HANDLE = 0
constexpr event_priority STATE_MACHINE_INTERNAL_EVENT_PRIORITY = 127
 yasmine's predefined event priority for the internal use. More...
constexpr event_priority DEFAULT_EVENT_PRIORITY = 0
 yasmine's predefined default event priority. More...

Typedef Documentation

◆ async_behavior_uptr

typedef sxe::SX_UNIQUE_PTR< async_behavior > sxy::async_behavior_uptr

◆ behavior_exception_uptr

typedef sxe::SX_UNIQUE_PTR< behavior_exception > sxy::behavior_exception_uptr

◆ behavior_exceptions

◆ behavior_function

typedef sxe::function< void ( const event&, event_collector& ) > sxy::behavior_function

◆ behavior_uptr

typedef sxe::SX_UNIQUE_PTR< behavior > sxy::behavior_uptr

◆ choice_uptr

typedef sxe::SX_UNIQUE_PTR< choice > sxy::choice_uptr

◆ choices

typedef std::vector< choice_uptr > sxy::choices

◆ composite_state_uptr

typedef sxe::SX_UNIQUE_PTR< composite_state > sxy::composite_state_uptr

◆ compound_transition_uptr

typedef sxe::SX_UNIQUE_PTR< compound_transition > sxy::compound_transition_uptr

◆ compound_transitions

◆ constraint_function

typedef sxe::function< bool ( const event&, event_collector& ) > sxy::constraint_function

◆ constraint_uptr

typedef sxe::SX_UNIQUE_PTR< constraint > sxy::constraint_uptr

◆ deep_history_uptr

typedef sxe::SX_UNIQUE_PTR< deep_history > sxy::deep_history_uptr

◆ entry_point_uptr

typedef sxe::SX_UNIQUE_PTR< entry_point > sxy::entry_point_uptr

◆ entry_points

typedef std::vector< entry_point_uptr > sxy::entry_points

◆ event_id

typedef sxe::uint32_t sxy::event_id

The type alias for yasmine's event IDs.

◆ event_ids

typedef std::vector< event_id > sxy::event_ids

The type alias for yasmine's event ID list.

◆ event_priority

typedef sxe::int8_t sxy::event_priority

The type alias for yasmine's event priorities.

◆ event_prioritys

typedef std::vector< event_priority > sxy::event_prioritys

The type alias for yasmine's event priority list.

◆ event_queue

typedef std::set< event_creation_request, event_creation_request_time_comparer > sxy::event_queue

◆ event_sptr

typedef sxe::shared_ptr< event > sxy::event_sptr

◆ events

typedef std::vector< event_sptr > sxy::events

◆ execution_step_uptr

typedef sxe::SX_UNIQUE_PTR< execution_step > sxy::execution_step_uptr

◆ execution_steps

typedef std::vector< execution_step_uptr > sxy::execution_steps

◆ exit_point_uptr

typedef sxe::SX_UNIQUE_PTR< exit_point > sxy::exit_point_uptr

◆ exit_points

typedef std::vector< exit_point_uptr > sxy::exit_points

◆ fork_uptr

typedef sxe::SX_UNIQUE_PTR< fork > sxy::fork_uptr

◆ forks

typedef std::vector< fork_uptr > sxy::forks

◆ handle_type

typedef sxe::uint32_t sxy::handle_type

The type alias for yasmine's event handle.

◆ initial_pseudostate_uptr

typedef sxe::SX_UNIQUE_PTR< initial_pseudostate > sxy::initial_pseudostate_uptr

◆ join_uptr

typedef sxe::SX_UNIQUE_PTR< join > sxy::join_uptr

◆ joins

typedef std::vector< join_uptr > sxy::joins

◆ junction_uptr

typedef sxe::SX_UNIQUE_PTR< junction > sxy::junction_uptr

◆ junctions

typedef std::vector< junction_uptr > sxy::junctions

◆ pseudostate_uptr

typedef sxe::SX_UNIQUE_PTR< pseudostate > sxy::pseudostate_uptr

◆ pseudostates

typedef std::vector< pseudostate_uptr > sxy::pseudostates

◆ raw_composite_states

typedef std::vector< composite_state* > sxy::raw_composite_states

◆ raw_compound_transitions

◆ raw_const_choices

typedef std::vector< const choice* > sxy::raw_const_choices

◆ raw_const_entry_points

typedef std::vector< const entry_point* > sxy::raw_const_entry_points

◆ raw_const_exit_points

typedef std::vector< const exit_point* > sxy::raw_const_exit_points

◆ raw_const_forks

typedef std::vector< const fork* > sxy::raw_const_forks

◆ raw_const_joins

typedef std::vector< const join* > sxy::raw_const_joins

◆ raw_const_junctions

typedef std::vector< const junction* > sxy::raw_const_junctions

◆ raw_const_pseudostates

typedef std::vector< const pseudostate* > sxy::raw_const_pseudostates

◆ raw_const_region_set

typedef std::set< const region* > sxy::raw_const_region_set

◆ raw_const_state_set

typedef std::set< const state* > sxy::raw_const_state_set

◆ raw_const_states

typedef std::vector< const state* > sxy::raw_const_states

◆ raw_const_states_by_nesting_level

typedef std::set< const state*, states_nesting_comparer > sxy::raw_const_states_by_nesting_level

◆ raw_const_terminate_pseudostates

◆ raw_const_transitions

typedef std::vector< const transition* > sxy::raw_const_transitions

◆ raw_const_vertices

typedef std::vector< const vertex* > sxy::raw_const_vertices

◆ raw_regions

typedef std::vector< region* > sxy::raw_regions

◆ raw_states_by_nesting_level

typedef std::set< state*, states_nesting_comparer > sxy::raw_states_by_nesting_level

◆ raw_states_by_nesting_level_ascending

typedef std::set< state*, states_nesting_comparer_ascending > sxy::raw_states_by_nesting_level_ascending

◆ raw_transitions

typedef std::vector< transition* > sxy::raw_transitions

◆ region_uptr

typedef sxe::SX_UNIQUE_PTR< region > sxy::region_uptr

◆ regions

typedef std::vector< region_uptr > sxy::regions

◆ shallow_history_uptr

typedef sxe::SX_UNIQUE_PTR< shallow_history > sxy::shallow_history_uptr

◆ state_machine

◆ state_machine_defects

typedef std::vector< state_machine_defect > sxy::state_machine_defects

◆ state_uptr

typedef sxe::SX_UNIQUE_PTR< state > sxy::state_uptr

◆ states

typedef std::vector< state_uptr > sxy::states

◆ terminate_pseudostate_uptr

◆ terminate_pseudostates

◆ transition_step_uptr

typedef sxe::SX_UNIQUE_PTR< transition_step > sxy::transition_step_uptr

◆ transition_steps

◆ transition_uptr

typedef sxe::SX_UNIQUE_PTR< transition > sxy::transition_uptr

◆ transitions

typedef std::vector< transition_uptr > sxy::transitions

◆ vertex_uptr

typedef sxe::SX_UNIQUE_PTR< vertex > sxy::vertex_uptr

◆ vertices

typedef std::vector< vertex_uptr > sxy::vertices

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ state_machine_status


◆ transition_kind

enum sxy::transition_kind

Function Documentation

◆ adapt() [1/8]

template<typename T >
sxe::function< void()> sxy::adapt ( T *  _object,
void(T::*)()  _method 

◆ adapt() [2/8]

template<typename T , typename _event_type >
sxe::function< void(const _event_type &)> sxy::adapt ( T *  _object,
void(T::*)(const _event_type &)  _method 

◆ adapt() [3/8]

template<typename T >
sxe::function< void(sxy::event_collector &)> sxy::adapt ( T *  _object,
void(T::*)(sxy::event_collector &)  _method 

◆ adapt() [4/8]

template<typename T , typename _event_type >
sxe::function< void(const _event_type &, sxy::event_collector &)> sxy::adapt ( T *  _object,
void(T::*)(const _event_type &, sxy::event_collector &)  _method 

◆ adapt() [5/8]

template<typename T >
sxe::function< bool()> sxy::adapt ( T *  _object,
bool(T::*)()  _method 

◆ adapt() [6/8]

template<typename T , typename _event_type >
sxe::function< bool(const _event_type &)> sxy::adapt ( T *  _object,
bool(T::*)(const _event_type &)  _method 

◆ adapt() [7/8]

template<typename T >
sxe::function< bool(sxy::event_collector &)> sxy::adapt ( T *  _object,
bool(T::*)(sxy::event_collector &)  _method 

◆ adapt() [8/8]

template<typename T , typename _event_type >
sxe::function< bool(const _event_type &, sxy::event_collector &)> sxy::adapt ( T *  _object,
bool(T::*)(const _event_type &, sxy::event_collector &)  _method 

◆ adapt_function() [1/8]

sxe::function<void( sxy::event_collector& )> sxy::adapt_function ( void(*)(sxy::event_collector &)  _function)

◆ adapt_function() [2/8]

sxe::function<bool( sxy::event_collector& )> sxy::adapt_function ( bool(*)(sxy::event_collector &)  _function)

◆ adapt_function() [3/8]

sxe::function<void()> sxy::adapt_function ( void(*)()  _function)

◆ adapt_function() [4/8]

template<typename _event_type >
sxe::function<void( const _event_type& )> sxy::adapt_function ( void(*)(const _event_type &)  _function)

◆ adapt_function() [5/8]

template<typename _event_type >
sxe::function<void( const _event_type&, sxy::event_collector& )> sxy::adapt_function ( void(*)(const _event_type &, sxy::event_collector &)  _function)

◆ adapt_function() [6/8]

sxe::function<bool()> sxy::adapt_function ( bool(*)()  _function)

◆ adapt_function() [7/8]

template<typename _event_type >
sxe::function<bool( const _event_type& )> sxy::adapt_function ( bool(*)(const _event_type &)  _function)

◆ adapt_function() [8/8]

template<typename _event_type >
sxe::function<bool( const _event_type&, sxy::event_collector& )> sxy::adapt_function ( bool(*)(const _event_type &, sxy::event_collector &)  _function)

◆ adjust_event_type()

template<typename _event_type >
const _event_type& sxy::adjust_event_type ( const event _event)

◆ behavior_caller() [1/13]

void sxy::behavior_caller ( const sxy::event _event,
sxy::event_collector _event_collector,
const sxe::function< void()> &  _function 

◆ behavior_caller() [2/13]

void sxy::behavior_caller ( const sxy::event _event,
sxy::event_collector _event_collector,
const sxe::function< void(event_collector &)> &  _function 

◆ behavior_caller() [3/13]

template<typename _event_type >
void sxy::behavior_caller ( const sxy::event _event,
sxy::event_collector _event_collector,
const sxe::function< void(const _event_type &)> &  _function 

◆ behavior_caller() [4/13]

template<typename _event_type >
void sxy::behavior_caller ( const sxy::event _event,
sxy::event_collector _event_collector,
const sxe::function< void(const _event_type &, sxy::event_collector &_event_collector)> &  _function 

◆ behavior_caller() [5/13]

template<typename _event_type1 , typename _event_type2 >
void sxy::behavior_caller ( const sxy::event _event,
sxy::event_collector _event_collector,
const sxe::function< void(const _event_type1 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function1,
const sxe::function< void(const _event_type2 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function2 

◆ behavior_caller() [6/13]

template<typename _event_type1 , typename _event_type2 , typename _event_type3 >
void sxy::behavior_caller ( const sxy::event _event,
sxy::event_collector _event_collector,
const sxe::function< void(const _event_type1 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function1,
const sxe::function< void(const _event_type2 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function2,
const sxe::function< void(const _event_type3 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function3 

◆ behavior_caller() [7/13]

template<typename _event_type1 , typename _event_type2 , typename _event_type3 , typename _event_type4 >
void sxy::behavior_caller ( const sxy::event _event,
sxy::event_collector _event_collector,
const sxe::function< void(const _event_type1 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function1,
const sxe::function< void(const _event_type2 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function2,
const sxe::function< void(const _event_type3 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function3,
const sxe::function< void(const _event_type4 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function4 

◆ behavior_caller() [8/13]

template<typename _event_type1 , typename _event_type2 , typename _event_type3 , typename _event_type4 , typename _event_type5 >
void sxy::behavior_caller ( const sxy::event _event,
sxy::event_collector _event_collector,
const sxe::function< void(const _event_type1 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function1,
const sxe::function< void(const _event_type2 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function2,
const sxe::function< void(const _event_type3 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function3,
const sxe::function< void(const _event_type4 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function4,
const sxe::function< void(const _event_type5 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function5 

◆ behavior_caller() [9/13]

template<typename _event_type1 , typename _event_type2 , typename _event_type3 , typename _event_type4 , typename _event_type5 , typename _event_type6 >
void sxy::behavior_caller ( const sxy::event _event,
sxy::event_collector _event_collector,
const sxe::function< void(const _event_type1 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function1,
const sxe::function< void(const _event_type2 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function2,
const sxe::function< void(const _event_type3 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function3,
const sxe::function< void(const _event_type4 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function4,
const sxe::function< void(const _event_type5 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function5,
const sxe::function< void(const _event_type6 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function6 

◆ behavior_caller() [10/13]

template<typename _event_type1 , typename _event_type2 , typename _event_type3 , typename _event_type4 , typename _event_type5 , typename _event_type6 , typename _event_type7 >
void sxy::behavior_caller ( const sxy::event _event,
sxy::event_collector _event_collector,
const sxe::function< void(const _event_type1 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function1,
const sxe::function< void(const _event_type2 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function2,
const sxe::function< void(const _event_type3 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function3,
const sxe::function< void(const _event_type4 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function4,
const sxe::function< void(const _event_type5 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function5,
const sxe::function< void(const _event_type6 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function6,
const sxe::function< void(const _event_type7 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function7 

◆ behavior_caller() [11/13]

template<typename _event_type1 , typename _event_type2 , typename _event_type3 , typename _event_type4 , typename _event_type5 , typename _event_type6 , typename _event_type7 , typename _event_type8 >
void sxy::behavior_caller ( const sxy::event _event,
sxy::event_collector _event_collector,
const sxe::function< void(const _event_type1 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function1,
const sxe::function< void(const _event_type2 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function2,
const sxe::function< void(const _event_type3 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function3,
const sxe::function< void(const _event_type4 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function4,
const sxe::function< void(const _event_type5 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function5,
const sxe::function< void(const _event_type6 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function6,
const sxe::function< void(const _event_type7 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function7,
const sxe::function< void(const _event_type8 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function8 

◆ behavior_caller() [12/13]

template<typename _event_type1 , typename _event_type2 , typename _event_type3 , typename _event_type4 , typename _event_type5 , typename _event_type6 , typename _event_type7 , typename _event_type8 , typename _event_type9 >
void sxy::behavior_caller ( const sxy::event _event,
sxy::event_collector _event_collector,
const sxe::function< void(const _event_type1 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function1,
const sxe::function< void(const _event_type2 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function2,
const sxe::function< void(const _event_type3 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function3,
const sxe::function< void(const _event_type4 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function4,
const sxe::function< void(const _event_type5 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function5,
const sxe::function< void(const _event_type6 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function6,
const sxe::function< void(const _event_type7 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function7,
const sxe::function< void(const _event_type8 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function8,
const sxe::function< void(const _event_type9 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function9 

◆ behavior_caller() [13/13]

template<typename _event_type1 , typename _event_type2 , typename _event_type3 , typename _event_type4 , typename _event_type5 , typename _event_type6 , typename _event_type7 , typename _event_type8 , typename _event_type9 , typename _event_type10 >
void sxy::behavior_caller ( const sxy::event _event,
sxy::event_collector _event_collector,
const sxe::function< void(const _event_type1 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function1,
const sxe::function< void(const _event_type2 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function2,
const sxe::function< void(const _event_type3 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function3,
const sxe::function< void(const _event_type4 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function4,
const sxe::function< void(const _event_type5 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function5,
const sxe::function< void(const _event_type6 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function6,
const sxe::function< void(const _event_type7 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function7,
const sxe::function< void(const _event_type8 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function8,
const sxe::function< void(const _event_type9 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function9,
const sxe::function< void(const _event_type10 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function10 

◆ build_compound_transition()

compound_transition_uptr sxy::build_compound_transition ( transition _first_transition,
const event _event,
event_collector _event_collector 

◆ create_behavior_function()

template<typename ... Args>
sxy::behavior_function sxy::create_behavior_function ( Args...  args)

◆ create_guard_function()

template<typename ... Args>
sxy::constraint_function sxy::create_guard_function ( Args...  args)

◆ dummy_to_silence_linker_warning_in_adapter_cpp03()

void sxy::dummy_to_silence_linker_warning_in_adapter_cpp03 ( )

◆ dummy_to_silence_linker_warning_in_create_behavior_function()

void sxy::dummy_to_silence_linker_warning_in_create_behavior_function ( )

◆ dummy_to_silence_linker_warning_in_create_guard_function()

void sxy::dummy_to_silence_linker_warning_in_create_guard_function ( )

◆ guard_caller() [1/13]

bool sxy::guard_caller ( const sxy::event _event,
sxy::event_collector _event_collector,
const sxe::function< bool()> &  _function 

◆ guard_caller() [2/13]

bool sxy::guard_caller ( const sxy::event _event,
sxy::event_collector _event_collector,
const sxe::function< bool(sxy::event_collector &_event_collector)> &  _function 

◆ guard_caller() [3/13]

template<typename _event_type >
bool sxy::guard_caller ( const sxy::event _event,
sxy::event_collector _event_collector,
const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type &)> &  _function 

◆ guard_caller() [4/13]

template<typename _event_type >
bool sxy::guard_caller ( const sxy::event _event,
sxy::event_collector _event_collector,
const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type &, sxy::event_collector &_event_collector)> &  _function 

◆ guard_caller() [5/13]

template<typename _event_type1 , typename _event_type2 >
bool sxy::guard_caller ( const sxy::event _event,
sxy::event_collector _event_collector,
const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type1 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function1,
const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type2 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function2 

◆ guard_caller() [6/13]

template<typename _event_type1 , typename _event_type2 , typename _event_type3 >
bool sxy::guard_caller ( const sxy::event _event,
sxy::event_collector _event_collector,
const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type1 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function1,
const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type2 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function2,
const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type3 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function3 

◆ guard_caller() [7/13]

template<typename _event_type1 , typename _event_type2 , typename _event_type3 , typename _event_type4 >
bool sxy::guard_caller ( const sxy::event _event,
sxy::event_collector _event_collector,
const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type1 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function1,
const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type2 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function2,
const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type3 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function3,
const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type4 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function4 

◆ guard_caller() [8/13]

template<typename _event_type1 , typename _event_type2 , typename _event_type3 , typename _event_type4 , typename _event_type5 >
bool sxy::guard_caller ( const sxy::event _event,
sxy::event_collector _event_collector,
const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type1 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function1,
const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type2 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function2,
const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type3 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function3,
const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type4 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function4,
const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type5 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function5 

◆ guard_caller() [9/13]

template<typename _event_type1 , typename _event_type2 , typename _event_type3 , typename _event_type4 , typename _event_type5 , typename _event_type6 >
bool sxy::guard_caller ( const sxy::event _event,
sxy::event_collector _event_collector,
const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type1 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function1,
const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type2 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function2,
const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type3 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function3,
const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type4 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function4,
const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type5 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function5,
const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type6 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function6 

◆ guard_caller() [10/13]

template<typename _event_type1 , typename _event_type2 , typename _event_type3 , typename _event_type4 , typename _event_type5 , typename _event_type6 , typename _event_type7 >
bool sxy::guard_caller ( const sxy::event _event,
sxy::event_collector _event_collector,
const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type1 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function1,
const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type2 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function2,
const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type3 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function3,
const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type4 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function4,
const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type5 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function5,
const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type6 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function6,
const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type7 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function7 

◆ guard_caller() [11/13]

template<typename _event_type1 , typename _event_type2 , typename _event_type3 , typename _event_type4 , typename _event_type5 , typename _event_type6 , typename _event_type7 , typename _event_type8 >
bool sxy::guard_caller ( const sxy::event _event,
sxy::event_collector _event_collector,
const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type1 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function1,
const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type2 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function2,
const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type3 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function3,
const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type4 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function4,
const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type5 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function5,
const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type6 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function6,
const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type7 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function7,
const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type8 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function8 

◆ guard_caller() [12/13]

template<typename _event_type1 , typename _event_type2 , typename _event_type3 , typename _event_type4 , typename _event_type5 , typename _event_type6 , typename _event_type7 , typename _event_type8 , typename _event_type9 >
bool sxy::guard_caller ( const sxy::event _event,
sxy::event_collector _event_collector,
const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type1 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function1,
const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type2 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function2,
const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type3 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function3,
const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type4 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function4,
const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type5 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function5,
const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type6 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function6,
const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type7 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function7,
const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type8 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function8,
const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type9 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function9 

◆ guard_caller() [13/13]

template<typename _event_type1 , typename _event_type2 , typename _event_type3 , typename _event_type4 , typename _event_type5 , typename _event_type6 , typename _event_type7 , typename _event_type8 , typename _event_type9 , typename _event_type10 >
bool sxy::guard_caller ( const sxy::event _event,
sxy::event_collector _event_collector,
const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type1 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function1,
const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type2 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function2,
const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type3 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function3,
const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type4 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function4,
const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type5 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function5,
const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type6 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function6,
const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type7 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function7,
const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type8 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function8,
const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type9 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function9,
const sxe::function< bool(const _event_type10 &, sxy::event_collector &)> &  _function10 

◆ to_string()

std::string sxy::to_string ( const transition_kind  _kind)

◆ try_to_build_compound_transition()

bool sxy::try_to_build_compound_transition ( transition _enabled_transition,
compound_transitions _enabled_compound_transitions,
const event _event,
event_collector _event_collector 

◆ write_defects_to_log()

void sxy::write_defects_to_log ( const state_machine_defects _defects)

Variable Documentation



◆ adapt_function

sxe::function< bool()> sxy::adapt_function




const int sxy::ANCESTORS_VECTOR_SIZE = 64




const int sxy::CHOICES_VECTOR_SIZE = 8




constexpr event_priority sxy::DEFAULT_EVENT_PRIORITY = 0

yasmine's predefined default event priority.








const int sxy::ENTRY_POINTS_VECTOR_SIZE = 8




const int sxy::EXECUTION_STEPS_VECTOR_SIZE = 128


const int sxy::EXIT_POINTS_VECTOR_SIZE = 8




const int sxy::REGIONS_OF_FINAL_STATE = 0


const int sxy::REGIONS_OF_SIMPLE_STATE = 0


constexpr event_priority sxy::STATE_MACHINE_INTERNAL_EVENT_PRIORITY = 127

yasmine's predefined event priority for the internal use.








constexpr event_id sxy::Y_COMPLETION_EVENT_ID = std::numeric_limits<sxy::event_id>::max()


const handle_type sxy::Y_DEFAULT_HANDLE = 0


const handle_type sxy::Y_INVALID_EVENT_CREATION_REQUEST_HANDLE = std::numeric_limits< handle_type >::max()